Christine Meechan KC

Advocate | Arbitrator | Adjudicator

Ranked Band 1 in Chambers and Partners Global and Asia-Pacific Guides for three consecutive years, and one of only two women to consistently achieve that ranking, Christine is a highly regarded barrister whose expertise in commercial litigation is unquestionable.

Christine goes the extra mile for her clients and knows how to get the best out of her instructing solicitors. She has a keen eye for detail and is an exceptional advocate.

Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific Guide 2025

Christine is available to accept instructions as counsel, arbitrator or adjudicator in the following areas:

Christine Meechan KC is an accomplished and respected advocate, known for her ability to run technically and factually complex cases.


Christine is an accomplished and respected advocate, known for her ability to run technically and factually complex cases. She is an incisive cross- examiner and both writes and presents effective submission with a confidence gained from many years of experience.

With over 40 years of experience in commercial litigation, Christine brings expertise gained as a partner in one of New Zealand’s leading commercial law firms and at the independent bar. She has successfully led a wide variety of cases, from the High Court in Invercargill to the Privy Council in London.

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Insurance litigation has been a constant in Christine’s career. She has expertise in relation to policy coverage issues and litigation arising under the following policy types:
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Christine’s extensive experience as counsel in disputes arising from a wide range of construction projects qualifies her as one of the few senior counsels in New Zealand with genuine specialist expertise in this field. She has acted for principals, contractors, subcontractors and consultants in the following types of projects including:

Advocacy is not limited to the courtroom and Christine’s advocacy skills help her achieve results in mediation and med/arb settings. An early adopter of mediation, Christine has been involved in countless mediations with New Zealand’s most distinguished mediators, achieving cost effective and timely results for clients.


Christine understands the differences between arbitration and litigation processes and how those differences should be optimised to resolve disputes efficiently.

Qualifying as Fellow of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand in 2021, she is a member of the AMINZ Arbitration panel and accepts appointments in relation to the following types of disputes:
Bankside Chambers Lounge Auckland New Zealand
Christine Meechan KC in her office at Bankside Chambers, in Auckland New Zealand.


Decisive, incisive and concise, Christine has the necessary qualities essential to the adjudication process. She has an in-depth understanding of both the current construction environment and the challenges facing contractors and principals.

A member of the AMINZ adjudication panel, Christine is qualified to approve the issue of charging orders under the Construction Contracts Act.

Christine Meechan KC is at the top of her field. She has an incisive intellect and a keen strategic brain and is the person you want at your side in a tough fight.

Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific Guide 2023

Career History


Recognised as a Leading Silk in the 2024 Legal 500 Asia Pacific Rankings for commercial disputes.


Ranked in the prestigious Band 1: Silks in Chambers and Partners Asia Pacific Rankings for Dispute Resolution – The Bar.


Admitted as Fellow of Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ).


Recommended as leading construction and infrastructure law barrister in Doyle’s Guide.


Appointed Queen’s Counsel.


Joined the independent bar as a member of Bankside Chambers.


Founding Member, Society of Construction Law.



Partner, Bell Gully.


Staff Solicitor, Bell Gully (between 1990–1991: Solicitor, Elliot & Co, London).


Heaney Jones & Mason.


LLB, University of Canterbury.

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Recent Case Highlights

Acting for the Tasman District Council in a successful appeal from the High Court decision awarding damages to property owners on the basis of novel duty of care arising under Fencing of Swimming Pool Act. The case is important for its analysis of a novel duty in the context of negligent misrepresentation.

A defective building claim for over $150 million, this case involved complex fire and structural defects as well as conventional weathertightness defects. The trial in the High Court ran for over five months between May and September 2022. Of the thirteen defects alleged against the Auckland Council for whom Christine acted, only two have been established in full.
Acting for the crown entity now known as Crown Infrastructure Delivery in a multi-faceted dispute arising under the contract for the construction of the new Parakiore Sports and Recreation Centre in Christchurch.
Successful defence of claim under a life policy for early payment of death benefit in circumstances where insured had been diagnosed with cancer, but who, as a result of successful treatment, did not meet the definition of “terminally ill”.
Metlifecare’s claims against the James Hardie Group in respect of five retirement villages involved both complex technical and legal issues in relation product liability and liability within a group or the conduct of a related company. The case settled before trial but involved a significant number of interlocutory applications in relation to particulars, discovery and interrogatories.
Acting for Vero in seven-week trial to successfully defend claims in respect of damage to 12 townhouses caused by the Canterbury earthquake sequence.‍
Acting for Asteron to successfully defend claim for total disability benefits and also recover historic benefits from a fraudulent insured. The Court of Appeal judgment is an important decision in relation to the fraudulent claims rule and the application of the Contracts and Commercial Law Act 2017 to fraudulent claims.

Christine Meechan KC is one of the real go-to silks in New Zealand.

Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific Guide 2024


Bankside Chambers
Level 22 Shortland & Fort
88 Shortland Street
PO Box 1571
Auckland 1140

Christine Meechan KC

[email protected]
+64 21 660 739
+64 9 308 0512